Birkman Method vs. Enneagram: Unraveling the Pros and Cons

In recent years, there has been a surge in the use of personality assessment tools. These tools help people gain a better understanding of themselves and their relationships. Two well-known methods for exploring personality are the Birkman Method and the Enneagram. Each of these tools offers a unique approach to self-discovery, but they come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Birkman Method:


  • Comprehensive Insights: The Birkman Method provides a comprehensive analysis of an individual’s personality, including their usual behavior, underlying needs, and stress behaviors. It offers a well-rounded view that can benefit personal and professional development.
  • Workplace Application: The Birkman Method is often used in organizational settings for employee development, team building, and leadership training. It helps individuals understand their strengths and weaknesses, facilitating career growth and better workplace relationships.
  • Objective and Reliable: Birkman’s scientific foundation and validation studies lend it credibility as a reliable personality assessment tool. The results are based on decades of research and data analysis.
  • Customized Feedback: The Birkman Method offers tailored insights, which can help individuals recognize unique patterns in their behavior, motivation, and preferences. This personalization can be beneficial for self-improvement.


  • Complexity: The Birkman Method can be quite complex to understand and interpret, especially for those lacking a psychology background. This complexity may discourage some from using it.
  • Cost: Obtaining a Birkman assessment comes with a price tag, and professional interpretation of the results can often be expensive. This cost can be a significant barrier for some individuals.
  • Time-Consuming: The Birkman Method typically requires more time to complete compared to some other personality assessments. This might be inconvenient for those seeking a quick, surface-level understanding of their personality.



  • Easily Accessible: The Enneagram is readily available to anyone interested in exploring their personality. Numerous books, online tests, and resources make it accessible to a broad audience.
  • Soulful Insight: The Enneagram delves into the spiritual and emotional aspects of an individual’s personality. It helps people understand their inner motivations, fears, and desires, offering a deeper, more introspective look at themselves.
  • Growth and Transformation: One of the core principles of the Enneagram is personal growth and transformation. It provides a framework for recognizing areas where individuals can improve, fostering a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement.
  • Interpersonal Insights: The Enneagram also explores how different personality types interact. This insight is particularly valuable in improving relationships, both personal and professional.


  • Lack of Scientific Validation: The Enneagram’s lack of empirical validation raises questions about its accuracy and reliability. Some critics argue it’s more of a belief system than a scientific assessment.
  • Simplicity vs. Complexity: While some appreciate the Enneagram’s simplicity, others find it overly general and lacking the depth that other assessments, like the Birkman Method, provide.
  • Fixed Typing: The Enneagram assigns individuals to a specific personality type, which can be limiting. People are complex and can exhibit various behaviors, and pigeonholing them into one category may only partially capture their essence.

In conclusion, the answer to the question “Which method is best for me?” depends on your needs and objectives. If you’re looking for an in-depth, scientifically backed assessment to use in various professional settings, you may want to consider the Birkman Method. On the other hand, if you’re more focused on a more spiritual, reflective way of self-reflection and self-growth, then the Enneagram may be the right fit for you. 

Remember that each method has advantages and disadvantages; there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to use these tools. The important thing to remember is that they’re simply tools to help you discover and grow who you are, and the best way to use them is to improve your life.

Career Upside can provide insights for individuals and companies on using The Birkman Method to optimize achievement.  As your career coach, we help to identify and leverage your strengths while addressing areas for improvement. If you would like to learn more about our career coaching services, you can visit our career services page.