Career Coaching: The Main Things You Should Know

If you are looking for a career change, feeling lost in your career, or maybe you are already looking for career coaching in Atlanta, getting some outside career guidance may be a good option for you. However, it is essential to understand what career coaching is and what to expect from it before deciding. Some […]

Career Exploration: What It Is and Why It’s Helpful Now and for the Future

Career Exploration: What It Is and Why It’s Helpful When it comes to career exploration, there are a lot of different opinions on what it is and how to go about it. At its core, career exploration is the process of researching and evaluating different career options to find the one that best suits your […]

What Major Should I Choose? Three Steps to Choosing a Major

parental guidance for choosing a major in Atlanta

Choose Career / September 9, 2021

Enrolling in college can certainly be an exciting time. However, when it comes to choosing a major, you might be slightly overwhelmed at your choices. But some careful planning and critical thinking can help you overcome this obstacle. If you’re asking yourself, “What major should I choose?” then Career Upside has some tips for you […]